Monday, November 17, 2014

Interview Questions

  • 8 balls , 7 correct 1 heavy. What will be  the minimum value of iterations to find faulty ball ??
  • 8 balls , 7 correct 1 faulty [ don't know light or heavy ] . What will be  the minimum value of iterations to find faulty ball ??
  • In an array of integer, find pair of 2 numbers such that the sum is equal to k.
  • What is time complexity in Map for get and put operations ?
  • How to make class immutable ? 
  • What are patterns you know ?
  • What is singleton pattern ?
  • How mysql saves data ?
  • What are the optimization techniques in mysql ?
  • What are cons in using hibernate ?
  • How do you implement caching in hibernate ?
  • What is difference in GET and POST ?
  • How can you index a column in table  ?
  • What is generics ? 
  • What did you used to implement Web-services  ?
  • How will you find kth minimum number in array of integers ?